Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pondering Leadership

My coach, Pastor Gary Combs, handed me a book yesterday that has captivated my attention.  It is a must read for every senior pastor in my opinion.
The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive by Patrick Lencioni is an enjoyable and enlightening read.  I sat down and read nearly the entire book last night. 

Lencioni takes the reader down an imaginative journey paralleling two companies, one with an obsession for maintaining a healthy culture and the other with an equal obsession of maintaining a healthy bottom line.

While it is expected that a leader will grow the organization, it is equally right to expect that a leader will guard the culture as well.  If you practice what Lencioni preaches, you will discover that not every qualified leader is a good fit.

The four disciplines that the book identifies are 1) Build and Maintain a Cohesive Leadership Team, 2) Create Organizational Clarity, 3) Overcommunicate Organizational Clarity, 4) Reinforce Organizational Clarity Through Human Systems.

This book will shape your leadership style if you will let it.  I believe it is on par with Collins business classic, Good to Great.  I would encourage you to pick up your copy today, read it through once and then come back and read it again with a highlighter, pencil and paper.  You are sure to glean a wealth of knowledge that will help you become an extraordinary leader!