Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Have you ever been crippled by fear or worry?

1 Samuel 10:22 They asked the LORD again, "Has he arrived here yet?" The LORD answered, "He's hiding among the baggage."

In the Old Testament, a young man was selected by God to be the first ever King of a nation. This man's name was Saul. When it came time to announce the king, Saul couldn't be found. Why? Because he was hiding in the baggage!

Fear can easily grip our lives and bring us to a stand still. But it needn't be so. From this Bible Story, we can discover that fear is overcome when we:

Give God Control of Our Lives! God has created us to love Him, trust Him and choose Him. He wants you to choose him and give him control of your life today. It is imperative to remember that this is a daily submission of your will to His will. It is also important to remember that God still wants you to use your skills, experience, etc. However, it is in our weaknesses that He is most glorified.
Saul struggled his entire life with fully trusting God. Whenever he did trust God fully and give Him control, Saul was able to defeat mighty armies. Whenever he slipped back into self-control, he was humiliated and defeated.

Worship instead of Worrying! Worry and worship are two opposite concepts. Worry is an expression of a lack of trust. Worship is an expression of total trust. When we Worship God it is impossible to worry.
Hiding in the baggage is not an expression of trust in an almighty God. Saul was worried sick, so he embarrassed himself by hiding. However, when God's spirit overcame him, he enlisted an army of 330,000 soldiers overnight and defeated the strongest know army of the day.

Let God change who you are! This starts with accepting the free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. It continues as we yield to the work of the Holy Spirit of God dwelling in us. When Saul allowed God to change his heart, God made Sauls name great. Unfortunately, later in Saul's life he turned away from God and even sought out a fortune teller. That utlimately cost him his life.

Don't let fear cripple you. Fear is the opposite of faith. Trust God! Believe what He has told you and do great things.